Gladiatus free to play multiplayer game

Gladiatus is a continuously evolving Massively multiplayer online game where you play as one of the many gladiators of Ancient Rome. Although not mandatory, players generally compete in trying to become the highest ranked character in the Arena and/or the specific game server

Your character comes with an array of different stats;
  • Strength determines how hard your character deals damage. For every 10 strength levels, your character can deal an additional 1 damage plus the damage delt by any wielded weapon. Strength is the most expensive stat to train. strength also determines the chances of blocking a hit.
  • Skill determines how accurate your attacks are. The higher the skill level, the more attacks hit the opponent.
  • Agility determines how badly you (the player) are hit by an opponent. The higher the agility level, the less damage you'll be likely to take.
  • Constitution determines your HP level. Training this skill means you can add to your base combat level HP. This along with agility is the cheapest skill to train.
  • Charisma determines the likelihood of dealing two consecutive blows. The difference between your charisma level and your opponent's determines this likeyhood. For example, if you had 50 charisma and your opponent 40, you have a 10% chance of dealing consecutive strikes. If the charisma levels were reversed, the opponent has a 10% chance of doing likewise back to you. Charisma and skill cost the same to level up. Less than strength, but more than agility and constitution. Also, charisma determines your threat while defending in a dungeon.
  • Intelligence Has no bearing on combat at all. It's sole use as of August, 2008 is to determine how much you or your medic heals while doing dungeons. It also affects +critical healing, the reverse of critical damage.
Click here to play Gladiatus for free

How do i set up shortcut icon for blogger?

Create a 16 pixel wide by 16 pixel high favicon.bmp file in a Program like MS-Paint, Adobe Photoshop, or Paint Shop Pro, then use a program (such as the free IrFanView ) to reduce the colors to 16 colors [Image -> Decrease Color Depth], and then 'save as...' to ".gif". that file to

Copy direct link of gif file. for example "" is your file link. Paste after <title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title>
to this code
<link href="'http:/yourimageurl.gif'" rel="'shortcut" type="'image/gif'/"> and save html file.

How do I set up a favorite icon

Create a 16 pixel wide by 16 pixel high favicon.bmp file in a Program like MS-Paint, Adobe Photoshop, or Jasc's Paint Shop Pro, then use a program (such as the free IrFanView app [for Windows]) to reduce the colors to 16 colors [Image -> Decrease Color Depth], and then 'save as...' to a Windows Icon Format (favicon.ico). Upload the file with FTP to the root section of your web site (the first page area, where you put files like index.html). Open up index.html, and add this line after any meta tags in the HEAD section but before the </head>.

<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="">

If you are in a user directory, without a domain, add something like this instead:

<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="">

Example: If you owned, you would create the file favicon.ico, and FTP it to your host. Then, you'd use this code:

<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="">

Reload the page... and try adding it to your favorites or bookmarks. Once you've added it to the favorites, close the browser and then open it again, and return to the site? Does it show up now? It should! :) doman for blogger is totaly free domain. ""'s not only URL forwarding but we can setup DNS Records, A, MX, and CNAME records. We can change our blog's name to become "". It's more simple than we use domain "". To change our default blogspot name to domain name there are some steps to do. Here is the tutorial to setup domain

1. Open your browser to
web site
2. Then regiter a domain that you want to use.
3. If it's no available you have to find another domain name. But if it's available then you can register it.
4. The you have to setup your domain. Got to "setup-->Manage domain"
5. Choose "Zone Records"
6. In the coloumn "Host" fill it with your domain name (")
7. Choose "CNAME" for "Type"
8. In the "Value" box fill it with ""
9. Then click "Setup" Button.

The next step is make some setup in blogspot.

1. Login to Bloggr/blogspot then choose "Setting-->Publishing"
2. Then choose "Switch to: • Custom Domain
3. Then click on "Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings"
4. Fill it with your new domain in the "Your Domain" coloumn.

5. To Finish click "Save Setting" Button.

It will take 1-48 hours for your new domain to work. So be patient....